Sunday, May 24, 2009

Dealing with Symptoms and Side Effects

The first hurdle a mesothelioma victim often encounters is difficulty in dealing with symptoms of the disease. These symptoms, which can be very debilitating, compromise quality of life and can make it difficult to carry on with normal activities. Similarly, dealing with the side effects of treatments such as surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy can be life-changing. Though the treatments are certainly designed to help the patient battle the disease, they can weaken the body and the spirit.

Pain management can be difficult for mesothelioma sufferers as well, but keeping pain under control is essential to maintaining quality of life. Doctors and other healthcare providers will offer suggestions such as medications and other therapies that will lessen pain.

Friends and family can also assist in helping the patient deal with the affects of symptoms and cancer treatments by offering assistance with tasks, chores, and other responsibilities the victim can no longer handle. This is often the best way to help.

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